Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk Love. Jim Carey in Man on the Moon. Ben Stiller in Greenberg. People playing against type is enjoyable, because someone you love making you experience surprise and novelty is... basically love, right?
So couple that surprise with an underdog, and you've got my attention. Maybe even affection? Anyway, I've been thinking lately that between the Ben Stiller character in Reality Bites and the Ethan Hawke character (oh, in my head, I'm totally a Winona Ryder) I've sided with... well, maybe this is part of growing up.
The writing seminar show was pretty cool. Apatow threw a TJ MAXX gift card in my general direction and I elbowed the two guys next to me to catch it. My mom would be so proud. For getting her a gift card to that place and also for not giving a single fuck about Others.
He also called his college screenwriting teacher, Sid Field, who killed.